Mention Bandon Dunes to a golf nut and watch their eyes get big. The secret is out. Bandon Dunes is the best place for golf in the United States. Find your way there so you can tell your own stories. For now, I will share my Bandon Dunes experience.
Located on the Pacific coast in lush Oregon, Bandon Dunes has a gravity which pulls golfers from all over the world. The Bandon Dunes golf resort is a collection of five full-size and one par 3 golf courses built by the game’s most respected architects.
Golfers will play the golf courses year round in spitting rain and severe winds. All for “golf as it was meant to be”.
I visited in August, 2021, taking in the Bandon Dunes experience over the course of 5 days. This blog post is not a course review or hole-by-hole overview, but rather the feeling each golf course provides. However, do not despair as I do rank them (as expected).

The Golf Courses
Bandon Dunes – Rank #1
As the original, Bandon Dunes carries both mystique and high expectations. The OG golf course delivers. The first nine holes tracks along like your favorite music album providing head nods and smiles as you log miles on your most comfortable golf shoes. As you turn towards the B side, golfers find out what makes Bandon Dunes a great band, erm…golf course. The encore set climaxing at hole 16 delivers a sense of calm and completeness as you squint towards the Pacific Ocean. Everyone in our group knew that is where we were supposed to be at that moment. Magical place.
Bandon Dunes is a golf course you want to put on repeat and ranks as my most preferred.

Old Macdonald – Rank #2
The coffee was cooling, but our cheeks were warming by the time we played the second hole at Old Macdonald. My wardrobe did not fit the scene as it seemed an old-time tweed jacket and neck tie were more appropriate for this step back in time. Sixty foot putts awaited us as we searched for par on the windswept greens. The unrelenting 3-club wind encouraged shot-making on the template golf course removing any sense of a technical game. Get the ball in the hole in the least amount of strokes is the true game at Old Macdonald.
Known for its 18 template holes published by C.B. Macdonald, Old Macdonald can be overlooked at Bandon Dunes. Do not make that mistake.

Bandon Trails – Rank #3
Bandon Trails had me noticing every tree, bunker, twist and turn as we walked the fairways. Blades of grass seemed to be placed for my individual enjoyment sending my senses in overdrive. Par proved elusive as stray golf balls found obstacles not seen on the other four courses – trees.
The bark paths weaving us between golf holes slowed us down enough to soak in all the details at Bandon Trails. The golf course provided a feeling of both welcomeness and exclusivity – like a national park to which our group only had access. Our Bandon Dunes merchandise was the only sticker we needed to show we belonged.

Pacific Dunes – Rank #4
Pacific Dunes is a collection of golf holes cranked up to an 11. The golf shots required to play well taunt the contenders, i.e. golfers, like Rocky did to Clubber Lang in Rocky III. C’mon…hit me again.
Our group experienced Pacific Dunes with only a breath of wind allowing for a tamer matchup. However, the features throughout provided a consistent buzz like one false move and we would be toast. In the end, slow play by groups ahead minimized my appreciation for the golf course dropping it on my list to the fourth spot.

Sheep Ranch – Rank #5
The new kid on the block, Sheep Ranch opened in 2020. The routing will send golfers teetering on cliffs edges for over four hours as they fire golf balls toward yellow flags. Golf holes propel groups out to the ocean and then back in at such a pace you would think you had an inner ear problem.
The golf at Sheep Ranch is not intended to be punishing, but rather astonishing. In my opinion, Sheep Ranch is on the best piece of land on the property – they only ran out of room.

GolfWisely Bandon Dunes Recommendations
Now, to a more direct, practical list of tips for your visit to Bandon Dunes.

Travel Day – Day 0
If you live east of the Mississippi (and even if you don’t), schedule a travel day as your first day. Stay overnight in Eugene, OR and drive to Bandon in the morning. Everyone will feel refreshed and ready to take on the week.
Settle In – Day 1
Once on the property, there will be an overwhelming feeling see everything. Take your time. Settle into your rooms (if available). If not, I recommend spending an hour or two at the Practice Station followed by playing The Preserve. I know playing The Preserve is an over-recommended activity, but this is because it truly helps you adapt to golf at Bandon Dunes, as well as getting in a few casual swings. Afterwards, your rooms will be ready and everyone will be ready for dinner.
Heavy Itinerary – Day 2-5
Do not assume there can be too much golf. Plan for 36 holes a day with a possible “light” day with 18 holes plus The Preserve. You came to play golf. Do it without regret.
Embrace Caddies – First timers (and perennial visitors)
Caddies will shepherd you around the golf courses helping you choose the best aiming line, approach angles and reading putts. All of these are intended to improve your round, score and Bandon Dunes experience. Second, they literally take weight off you by carrying your bag saving your energy to play more golf. Take caddies and make a new friend.

Quick Hits
- Pack extra socks – change your socks and golf shoes after each 18 holes.
- Make reservations and eat on property – the convenience factor outweighs any other downside.
- Simplify breakfast and lunch – plenty of grab and go options at the clubhouses for breakfast and lunch. Think of it as fuel to play more golf.
- Change tee times and courses while on-site – move up/back tee times or change courses if you do not want to repeat a certain one. You might be surprised of the openings.
- Get a rental car – the convenience of having all your gear with you and driving around the Bandon Dunes compound is worth the extra money.
- Bring clothing options – weather can quickly shift making a shorts day turn into pants + jacket.
The Bandon Dunes Rankings
My Bandon Dunes golf course rankings:
1. Bandon Dunes
2. Old Macdonald
3. Bandon Trails
4. Pacific Dunes
5. Sheep Ranch
If I were to play ten rounds of golf at Bandon Dunes, I would split my time:
– Bandon Dunes (x3)
– Old Macdonald (x3)
– Bandon Trails (x2)
– Pacific Dunes (x1)
– Sheep Ranch (x1)
On-property restaurant rankings:
1. Trails End
2. The Forge Steakhouse
3. McKee’s Pub
4. Pacific Grill
5. Sheep Ranch grab-n-go
6. Tufted Puffin lounge

Please reach out directly in the comments or find me on Instagram with questions.
Dan · November 3, 2021 at 2:42 am
Wonderful review. I appreciated your “Planning a Bandon Dunes golf Trip” post and now the follow up. I particularly liked the quick hits about changing tee times and car rental.
I had a couple questions if you don’t mind. My group is considering a 3 night stay and would like to play 54 holes on one of the days. Did your group want to play more each day or were they happy with 36 holes/day? My other question pertains to pace of play. How was the pace of play during your trip? Was it slow at 4.5 hr or longer?
Derek Wise · November 3, 2021 at 12:04 pm
54 holes will be tough unless you play near the solstice. 36 + an emergency 9 might be more achievable. Our group was pleased with 36 holes and looked forward to dinner reservations. We all recovered enough to do it the next day. Pace of play is better in the morning ~4 hours and will reach ~4.5+ in the afternoon. Have fun!
Dan · November 4, 2021 at 2:11 am
Thank you for the information. We have our Sand Valley/Lawsonia trip soon and then Bandon in 2023. Appreciate your posts on all these courses.
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