In January 2019, I set a goal to do something different with my approach to golf. I wanted to change my perspective on the game I love versus grinding on lowering my index. I shifted my focus to Wisconsin golf courses; both the landscape and the experiences playing them. To share these perspectives, I started my golf blog but in this blog I share what I learned from staring a golf blog. In addition, I began a Golf Wisely Instagram account to support the golf blog.

Why Wisconsin? Well, I live in Wisconsin but there is so much good golf throughout the state. As a golfer, I search for reviews prior to playing a course and I felt Wisconsin golf courses were not well represented. I found there was a niche missing where reviews did not cover the “experience” of a golf course. This experience factor is where I focused Golf Wisely. In this research, I uncovered a fellow course review blogger in WiscoGolfAddict. Great site and Instagram!
So what did I learn from starting a golf blog? Here are the four things;
1 – Thriving Golf Community
The first observation I made from starting a golf blog was the discovery of an active golf community who all love the game as much as I do. This community includes all kinds of mediums of content including podcasts, blogs, online forums and Instagram accounts. I was both surprised and happy as I began to uncover individuals like myself focused on golf and how to enjoy it in different ways. Through this discovery, I found podcasts and YouTube channels with a focus on golf course architecture. Entrepreneurs like No Laying Up and Erik Anders Lang share their love of golf to hundreds of thousands using mediums such as Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Finding this endless content has reinforced my belief that my blog is relevant and golfers might appreciate it.

2 – Capturing Golf Course Photography
Secondly, I gained another hobby after starting the golf blog. My initial and continuing focus for Golf Wisely is to draft course reviews, however, golf course photography and photo composition has caught my interest. For the majority of my rounds, I bring a DSLR (and soon mirrorless) camera seeking photo opportunities to help tell the story of the course. Editing and posting photos onto my Instagram account has been a fun secondary avenue for Golf Wisely content. I find inspiration by following individuals like Christian Hafer and his Instagram.

3 – Being Creative with Writing
The next thing I learned is my enjoyment in being creative. This creativity has come from writing, building a blog site on WordPress and taking an idea into something real. Sometimes our day jobs do not allow for this type of creativity so Golf Wisely has been a welcome release. As a golfer, I have enjoyed bringing my perspective to the game through my blog posts and course reviews. I am looking forward to building onto Golf Wisely and embracing its evolution.

4 – Walking a Golf Course Provides Perspective
Finally, I knew when starting the 2019 season and the Golf Wisely blog that I would prioritize walking the golf course over riding in a cart. I made this decision to get more exercise while playing but quickly realized I enjoy several other aspects of walking a golf course. Walking during a round of golf provides different perspectives of a course and golf holes. The time between shots allows a chance to reflect and plan a strategy. In the end, my rounds feel less rushed when walking the golf course.

In conclusion, I am proud of what I started with Golf Wisely. The site, content and vision are in its infancy but the future is hopeful. Thank you for taking the time to read through this reflective blog of what I learned from starting a golf blog. I appreciate the support!